DC: All GALA Mixer at Lost Society (2001 14th ST NW)
written by Natasha, 6/1/13 2:22pm edited by Natasha, 9/11/15 11:45am
Please join us for an All-GALA Mixer at Lost Society (2001 14th St NW), near the U Street Metro, with great views of DC.
Cost: No cover, cash bar & food, Happy Hour prices until 7:30 PM.
More info: http://www.yalegala.org/article.html?aid=331
Thursday, September 17, 6:00-8:00 PM
DC: GALA All Schools Mixer at Lost Society
Lost Society (U Street Metro)
2001 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
Cost: No cover, cash bar and food, happy hour prices until 7:30 PM.
RSVP: Requested, to help us plan the event at hglc_dc@yahoo.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/116955571992662/
More info: http://www.yalegala.org/article.html?aid=331
Join us for an intercollegiate LGBTQ happy hour at the bar with one of the
best view of Washington, DC.
We'll be at the bar as you walk in the door (after
going up the stairs).
The co-hosts include Cornell, Penn, Princeton, Stanford,
William & Mary, & Yale so we're expecting another great crowd at Lost
Society. Happy hour prices last until 7:30 PM so get there early.
Please feel
free to invite your spouses, partners and friends to join us.
More info at: http://tigernet.princeton.edu/~ffr-gala/Events2015/150917DC.html