CHICAGO: LGBTQ All GALA Mixer at the Yard House (1500 N Clybourn) Come celebrate Spring season at an all-GALA Chicago mixer. Reconnect for an evening of social, professional, intellectual networking. No cover, cash food and bar. RSVP appreciated: To find the group look for the sign at the entranc
An LGBTQ All GALA Alumni Mixer at the Yard House
Wednesday, March 30, 2016, 6:30-9:00 PM
WHERE: The Yard House, 1500 N Clybourn Ave, Chicago, IL. (1 block from red line North/Clybourn metro)
On the evening of March 30, there will be a stand/sign at the venue entrance directing guests. There is only one main bar, and we will be at one of the 4 corners. There will be high-top table for sign-in/registration/name tags.
COST: No cover, cash food and beverages
RSVP: Appreciated, to (select OTHER event and write Chicago Yard House in comments)
Organized by Cal Berkeley GALA in Chicago. For event inquiries, email Joseph Lee,
Come celebrate Spring season and intercollegiate pride with your fellow alumni. Reconnect for an evening of social, professional, intellectual networking. Hope to see familiar faces and individuals new to Chicagoland...
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