Yale: The Jim Brudner Prize Winner Lecture and Reception with Carolyn Dinshaw At Yale on Wednesday, February 7 2018 4:30 PM. Sudler Hall (100 Wall St, New Haven, CT) WLH 100 for the lecture; WLH 309 for cocktail reception. FREE and open to the public. No RSVP required Carolyn Dinshaw is the 2017-18 James Robert Brudner ’83 Memorial Prize Winner. 1. At Yale University
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2018 6-8 PM. At the LGBT Center, Room 301, 208 W. 13th St, NYC Professor Carolyn Dinshaw (Bryn Mawr BA, Princeton Ph.D. and current NYU Professor of English and Women's Studies) has long been fascinated by the relationship between the past and present, particularly concerning gender and sexuality. In her book Chaucer's Sexual Poetics (1989) she investigated the connection between past and present via the Western discursive tradition of gender. In Getting Medieval: Sexualities and Communities, Pre-and Postmodern (1999), she developed the concept of "touching across time". Dinshaw is also the co-founder of GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies -- the flagship journal of the field -- and created the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality at NYU, serving as its first director (1999-2005).
The Brudner Prize, established in 2000, is awarded annually to an accomplished scholar, artist or activist whose work has made significant contributions to LGBT studies and communities. The Brudner prize-winner gives a Prize Lecture at Yale (2-7-2018) and in New York City (on 2-8-2018 and organized by Yale GALA, Inc.) and comes with a $5,000 award. http://lgbts.yale.edu/brudner
Please join us in NYC and/or at Yale and meet Professor Carolyn Dinshaw More event info: http://www.yalegala.org/BrudnerDinshaw2018
For info about the Jim Brudner '83 prize visit http://lgbts.yale.edu/brudner
About The 2017-18 Brudner Award Winner: http://lgbts.yale.edu/news/carolyn-dinshaw-awarded-james-r-brudner-83-memorial-prize
About the Jim Brudner Yale '83 Memorial Prize
James Brudner was an AIDS activist, urban planner, journalist, photographer and beloved Yale GALA Member. A man of wit and compassion, outsized knowledge and curiosity, Jim valued both academic inquiry and direct action. He spent 12 years as a policy analyst for the City of New York. He also earned an MA in journalism from New York University and wrote for various publications on gay and AIDS-related topics. Jim became a member of ACT UP, the Treatment Action Group, and other organizations after the death of his twin brother, Eric, of AIDS in 1987. He worked on treatment and prevention issues with the National Institutes of Health, pharmaceutical corporations, and federal agencies. In his final years, he devoted much of his time to traveling the back roads of rural America with a camera. La Mama Gallery in New York mounted an exhibition of his photographs in 1997. Jim died of AIDS-related illness on September 18, 1998 at the age of 37. Through his will, he established the Brudner Prize at Yale as “a perpetual annual prize” for scholarship and activism on gay and lesbian history and contemporary experience. Recipients of the Jim Brudner '83 Prize:
2000 George Chauncey
Event info: http://www.yalegala.org/BrudnerDinshaw2018 |