Yale Reunions (New Haven, CT) and Yale GALA Events Yale GALA Receptions are Saturdays 5-26 (and 6-2) 3-5 PM Yale LGBTQ Resources Open Houses are Fridays 2-5 PM Sunday, May 27 11 AM-2 PM is the FAB Yale LGBTQ Reunion AfterBrunch at 45 Dromara Rd, Guilford, CT. CAR POOLS from 123 York St at 10:30 AM Save-the-Dates for Yale Reunions:
May 24-27, 2018 - Yale Classes '03, '98, '93, '88, '83, '53 and
Join us for
1. A Yale GALA Reception at each reunion on Saturday afternoon 3-5 PM (Saturday, May 26, 2018 and Saturday, June 2, 2018) -- Both at the Office of LGBTQ Resources, Founders Hall, 135 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT.
2. An Open House at the Office of LGBTQ Resources at each reunion on Friday afternoons, 2-5 PM (Friday, May 25, 2018 and Friday, June 1, 2018) -- at the Office of LGBT Resources (Founders Hall, 135 Prospect, New Haven, CT). Come see the amazing new Office of LGBTQ Resources in a completely renovated Founders Hall. Hear about all our new programming, meet the staff, and mingle with other alums interested in our mission. All are welcome—no need to be registered for AYA reunions!
3. And join us on Sunday, May 27, 2018 11 AM - 2 PM for the Yale LGBTQ Reunion AfterBrunch: A Ettinger-Bruce Cohen Production in Guilford, CT (15 minutes from Yale).
No car? No problem.
You can prebook a Lyft ($22 each way for up to 4 people) or Uber or participate in the GALA Carpool.
BRUNCH TICKETS: https://yalegalaafterbrunch2018.eventbrite.com/ More info: http://www.yalegala.org/YaleReunionAfterBrunch2018
More Yale GALA reunion info: http://www.yalegala.org/2018YaleReunions