Yale GALA Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club. Discussing Call me by Your Name Thursday, December 17, 8 PM EST (5 PM Pacific) Join us to discuss Call Me by Your Name, by Andre Aciman -- on a lively Zoom call. It is a story of a summer romance between 2 young men in Italy. https://callmebyyournamediscussion.eventbrite.com
Join us Thursday, December 17, 2020 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time)
RSVP for event and Zoom link: https://callmebyyournamediscussion.eventbrite.com
What: Yale GALA Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club. Discussion of Call Me by Your Name (by Andre Aciman). Everyone welcome.
When: Thursday, December 17, 2020. 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time). Check back for RSVP info.
RSVP: https://callmebyyournamediscussion.eventbrite.com Optional: submit book ideas for next session (during RSVP or email to Jim and Natasha anytime)
Cost: FREE.
Enjoy a lively and engaging discussion with old and new friends, about our December book, Call Me by Your Name: a novel (2007) by Andre Aciman.
Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Fiction
A New York Times Notable Book of the Year • A Publishers Weekly and The Washington Post Best Book of the Year • A New York Magazine "Future Canon" Selection • A Chicago Tribune and Seattle Times (Michael Upchurch's) Favorite Favorite Book of the Year
NY Times Book Review: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/25/books/review/DErasmo.t.html Wikipedia entry (plot spoilers alert): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_Me_by_Your_Name_(novel) Atlantic article about Call Me By Your Name (and the sequel Find Me): Time magazine article about the 2 books (Call Me By Your name and sequel): https://time.com/5710568/find-me-call-me-by-your-name-sequel/
Publishers' Reading Guide and Discussion Questions. (We do not need to use these):
https://images.macmillan.com/folio-assets/rgg-guides/9780312426781RGG.pdf Yale GALA FB Event page: TBA
More info: http://www.yalegala.org/article.html?aid=667
and at: http://www.yalegala.org/2020DecemberBookClub
RSVP LINK (for Zoom info): https://callmebyyournamediscussion.eventbrite.com
Next date: Thursday, January 21, 2021. 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time). Book TBA |