Yale GALA Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club. Discussing Native Country of the Heart, a Memoir Thurs, 3/18 8 PM EST (5 PM Pacific) Join us to discuss Native Country of the Heart, A Memoir (2019) by Cherrie Moraga A mother-daughter biography about the Mexican American diaspora https://nativecountryoftheheartdiscussion.eventbrite.com
Join us Thursday, March 18, 2021 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time)
Zoom link: RSVP to receive Zoom login info
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What: Yale GALA
Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club.
Discussion of Native Country of the Heart, A Memoir (2019), by Cherríe
Moraga. Everyone welcome.
When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time).
RSVP for Zoom link: https://nativecountryoftheheartdiscussion.eventbrite.com Optional: submit book ideas for future months (during RSVP or email to Jim and Natasha anytime)
Cost: FREE.
Enjoy a lively and engaging discussion with old and new friends, about our March book: Native Country of the Heart, A Memoir (2019) by Cherrie Moraga.
Moraga is a feminist and Latinx activist, playwright, director, poet and winner of Yale's (Jim) Brudner Prize, in 2013. https://lgbts.yale.edu/brudner
1. Cherríe Moraga’s website: About our book - summary and reviews:
Moraga's website has books, theater, teaching, people, places and política. https://cherriemoraga.com/
2. Wikipedia. Plot summary and excerpt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Native_Country_of_the_Heart:_A_Memoir
3. Los Angeles Times book review. (Great vintage photos from the book, too): https://www.latimes.com/books/la-ca-jc-cherrie-moraga-native-country-review-20190418-story.html 4. NBC Book Review: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/cherr-e-moraga-s-memoir-native-country-heart-centers-her-n993441"Heart-wrenching and heartwarming, Moraga’s memoir delivers new insights into the acclaimed writer’s creativity, and introduces readers to another of her significant muses: 'I made a commitment to depict my mother honestly, as a woman full of complexity, contradictions, and paradoxes,' Moraga adds. 'But what I wrote, I wrote out of love.'
From Moraga's website: "Native Country of a Heart - Geography of Desire, began with the scribbling of a middle-aged daughter, in awe and broken-hearted wonder, documenting the last years of her mother's life with Alzheimer's. But in that microcosm of her mother's private amnesia, Cherrie Moraga uncovered the remnants of the grand story of a people. Hers is a Mexican pueblo and an American story of loss: the loss of land, the loss of language, the loss of history; and most critically, the loss of the memory of loss itself.
"In this literary, political and contemplative memoir, Moraga revisits the sore spots of her past in the definitive effort to make peace with them; to understand as she writes, "within the context of [her] ethnicity and culture, what Mexican & American/ Indian & Catholic/ rape & racism had to do with sexual desire and a contrary gender." These are not new themes for Moraga, first introduced in her now classic work, Loving in the War Years, nearly thirty-five years ago. What is new is Moraga's firm grasp on the 'old,' which finds its spiritual and political grounding in an indigenous recollection of land/ geography/ place."
5. Interview with Cherríe Moraga (June 5-6, 2005), from the Voices of Feminism Oral History Project (Smith
College, Sophia Smith Collection of Women’s History) - 90 pages.
Yale GALA FB Event page: TBA
More info: http://www.yalegala.org/2021MarchBookClub
RSVP LINK: https://nativecountryoftheheartdiscussion.eventbrite.com
Zoom info: RSVP to receive Zoom info Next date: Thursday, April 15, 2021. 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time). Reading The Heart's Invisible Furies, by John Boyne. (600 pages - start early!) |