Yale GALA Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club. Discussing The Heart's Invisible Furies Thursday, 4/15/21. 8 PM EST (5 PM Pacific) Join us to discuss The Heart's Invisible Furies (2017) on a lively Zoom call The bio of a gay man set amid the history of Ireland as it changes from Catholic-dominated to gay-friendly. Book is 600 pages.
Join us Thursday, April 15, 2021 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time)
RSVP for event: https://theheartsinvisiblefuries.eventbrite.com Zoom link: RSVP to obtain the Zoom link
What: Yale GALA Ivy-Plus Virtual Book Club. Discussion of The Heart's Invisible Furies (2017), by John Boyne. Everyone welcome. The book is 600 pages long, so please start early!
When: Thursday, April 15, 2021. 8-9:30 PM EST (5-6:30 PM Pacific Time).
RSVP: https://theheartsinvisiblefuries.eventbrite.com Optional: submit book ideas for next session (during RSVP or email to Jim and Natasha anytime)
Cost: FREE.
Enjoy a lively and engaging discussion with old and new friends, about our April book, The Heart's Invisible Furies, by John Boyne.
NY Times Book Review:
Wikipedia entry (plot spoilers alert):
Publishers' Reading Guide and Discussion Questions. (We do not need to use these):
About the Author: