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Member Benefits

Yale GALA Membership is free, but the benefits are priceless.
  • GALA members who are Yale alumni and have created an online account and signed up as Active GALA Members are granted access to the Directory, allowing LGBT alumni to connect better than ever.
  • All members who sign up and create an online account will be added to our famous mailing list to receive exclusive invites and event information, for example the Metropolitan Museum's Pride Party and private exhibit viewings.
  • Any member with an online account can view and post in the Forums to seek or publicize an internship or job

As you know, Yale GALA does not ask for dues. That’s why we are always grateful to receive your support, so we can continue to provide the services and events–including our new website–for alumni and students.

Haven’t joined yet? Click JOIN.


Membership is Free But the Rewards are Priceless

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© Copyright Yale Gay and Lesbian Alumni/ae Association, Inc., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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