Yale GALA, Inc. & the AYA
present: The Second LGBT Alumni Reunion, September 19 – 22, 2013 on the Yale campus (Pre-reunion activities Thurs Sept 19 5 pm Jim Brudner lecture by prizewinner Cherríe Moraga, 6:30 pm reception)
We are happy to announce the rescheduled reunion will take place the weekend of September 20th! We will be updating this page soon with confirmation of previous speakers, performers, and panelists. We have many confirmed, including Peter Salovey and Cynthia Nixon.
The Jim Brudner Prize (5 pm lecture, 6:30 pm reception) on Thursday, September 19th in New Haven will kick-off the reunion. Cherrie Moraga (Latina poet, artists, playwright) is the Brudner prizewinner. There will be other Thursday evening programming, too.
There will be a fancy dinner on Saturday night, September 21 at Yale.
And in between, there will be 2.5 days of 100s of alumni and fantastic content, including a dozen breakout sessions, great discussions and panels with alumni, cocktail receptions, parties, "speedy dating" and much, much more.
And the weather will be fantastic; Yale is GORGEOUS in September.
Watch this special musical invitation to the Reunion from the current undergrads!
Anyone who attended our first Reunion in April 2009 will remember that the three days of events, panels, parties, and special events – including a concert by Rufus Wainwright – far surpassed anyone’s expectations. More than 250 alumni/ae, students, faculty, staff, spouses, allies, friends, and family attended. We’re expecting an even bigger turnout for our second reunion. Allies are welcome!
The 2013 reunion --originally scheduled to coincide with Yale's hosting of the third IvyQ Conference of LGBT Ivy League student leaders-- has now been rescheduled for the weekend of September 20 - 22.
This reunion is made possible by the generous support of individual and corporate sponsors. For information about levels and benefits, please download our sponsorship packet.
Yale Gala would like to thank the LGBT Reunion Host Committee for their support!
Reunion Co-Chairs
Gabriel Seidman '11
Anna James Neuman Wipfler '09
Reunion Committee
Amy Bennett MBA '05
Amy Bennett graduated from the Yale School of Management in 2005. During her time at SOM, she served on the organizing committee for Reaching Out's 7th Annual Lesbian and Gay MBA conference and served on the Board for 3 years. Amy currently works at IBM where she focuses onstrategy and messaging for IBM's Smarter Computing campaign. Prior to this role, she served as a business and organizational change consultantfor IBM and a consultant for a water and energy resource consulting firm.
Ben Bernard '11
Ben Bernard (SM'11) studied history at Yale College, focusing on music, French, and LGBT studies. Active in the Coöp, he co-founded the IvyQ conference. After graduation, Ben worked for the LGBT advocacy organization Fairness West Virginia with support from Yale GALA. He is currently a Legal Assistant at White & Case and Nexans in Paris, France
Philip Bronstein '12
Philip Bronstein graduated from Yale College in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. As an undergraduate, he was instrumental in bringing LGBTQ programming to the Joseph Slifka Center. Philip is now a Financial Analyst at the Yale Investments Office.
Glenton Davis '07
Glenton Davis is a Senior Associate at RSR Partners, where he is charged with assisting in the overall execution of executive recruitments. Prior to joining RSR Partners, Mr. Davis was the Director of Recruiting & Talent Acquisition for an $8 billion startup asset manager, and began his career at J.P. Morgan, where he worked for the Chief Investment Officer of the firm’s Global Asset & Wealth Management division. Mr. Davis graduated from Yale University in 2007 with a B.A. in Economics. In his spare time, Mr. Davis works in the community through Soul Pop U, an arts education nonprofit organization he founded in early 2010. Mr. Davis is originally from Montgomery, Alabama, and currently resides in Manhattan.
Thomas Dolan '05
Thomas Dolan graduated with degrees in History and International Studies in 2005 - but you would never know it because his skin is so *radiant*. While on campus, Thomas sang as a member of the Duke's Men and Whiffenpoofs, worked at the YUAG and BAC, and was president of SNAPS (Special Needs Awareness and Peer Services). A performer and teacher, he is now also in grad school in American Studies at NYU. And *single* - so step it up before I lose this race with baldness.
Myles Gideon '02
MylesGideon is part of the grants management team at American Jewish WorldService. Prior to AJWS, he worked in avariety of roles at LGBT-focused organizations such as the Arcus Foundation,the LGBT Community Center of New York City, and the Gay, Lesbian and StraightEducation Network (GLSEN). While an undergraduate at Yale, he was also very involvedin LGBTQ causes and groups, co-chairing the LGBT Co-op and Pathways PeerCounseling, founding a group for trans and gender non-conforming students andtheir allies (TGAY), and serving on the board of the local GLSEN Connecticutchapter.
Sandy Holmes '78
Sandy Holmes ’78 joins the planning committee from the Bay Area where after having spent two decades working in membership and development for the ACLU, she is now a full time mom and pursuing her passion in film studies. She and her spouse, Kate Kendell live in San Francisco’s culturally diverse Excelsior district with their two kids.
Alex Kent '01
Carolyn Revercomb '82
Gabriel Seidman '11
As an undergraduate, Gabe was very active in the LGBT world at Yale, both academically and outside of the classroom. As a double major in Psychology and Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, Gabe’s academic work spanned a broad range of LGBT topics, including queer history, public health, and global HIV/AIDS. His senior essay on the topic of HIV transmission prevention among MSM was selected as the recipient of the 2011 GALA Senior Essay Prize. In addition, he worked with the Office of LGBTQ Resources as a peer counselor for 2 years as an undergrad. Currently, Gabe is a consultant with the Boston Consulting Group where he works with clients primarily in the healthcare industry.
Maxim Thorne '89, JD '92
Maxim Thorne is a Senior Executive, lawyer, activistand philanthropist. Maxim was appointed the Senior Vice Presidentand Chief Development and Communications Officer of the National Associationfor the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 2008. Prior to his role at the NAACP, Maxim was theChief Operating Officer and Vice President of Human Rights Campaign and HumanRights Campaign Foundation. He serves on the Yale Board of Governors, the ExecutiveCommittee of the Yale Law School, National Board of GLAAD, The Yale BlackAlumni Association and the North Star Fund.
Ben Wexler '12
Emily Regan Wills '04
Emily Regan Wills (TC '04) has both a kid and a PhD, and therefore no life. She lives in central New York state with her wife and said kid, after spending most of her post-college years in Brooklyn, and works at the University of Toronto. She is professionally obsessed with the politics of the Middle East, and is a terrible and enthusiastic cross-stitcher.
Anna James Wipfler '09
Anna James Wipfler (BR '09) is the current National Events Managerfor Lambda Legal. Previously, Anna James served as Transgender Advocacy Fellowwith GLAAD after graduating with a BA in Women’s Gender & SexualityStudies. While a student, he was an active LGBT organizer, serving asco-chair of the LGBTQ Co-op, establishing Trans Awareness Week as an annualfall counterpart to the well-known spring Pride celebrations, and assisting inefforts to create significant institutional support for LGBTQ rights andresources on campus.