Donate to Yale GALA Donations to Yale GALA help support LGBTQ events for alumni and students
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Barbara Hammer Donates Papers to Yale's Beinecke Library
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NYC Honors Donald Suggs (Yale PC '83) by Naming Street After Him The corner of Sixth Street and Avenue B in NYC is now Donald Suggs, Jr Way
FB Post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/19596347888/posts/10160446529417889
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2022 James Robert Brudner '83 Prize Lecture Video Available to Watch What is Sexual Justice?
Watch the lecture on Yale's YouTube Channel from the comfort of your own home:
Recorded on April 14, 2022 at Yale
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Watch the Yale in Hollywood LGBTQ in Film/TV Panel on Zoom (if you missed it) With Quentin Lee, Jennie Livingston, Brad Bailey and Michael Rohrbaugh.
Did you miss the Yale in Hollywood panel on LGBTQ in Film/TV?
You can watch the recording at your convenience. SEE BELOW.
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Yale in Hollywood LGBTQ in Film/TV Panel for Pride With Quentin Lee, Jennie Livingston, Brad Bailey and Michael Rohrbaugh.
Thursday, June 25 6 PM EST (3 PM Pacific).
Free Zoom call. RSVP. tinyurl.com/yihlgbtq
Thanks to Yale in Hollywood (Kevin Winston) for organizing
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We are saddened by the passing of Yale GALA Member Larry Abrams (ES '90) Zoom Memorial on January 29, 2021.
For questions, remarks or to attend via Zoom, please email courtney_stevenson4@yahoo.com.
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RIP Larry Kramer (Yale BR '57); We are sad to report Larry Kramer passed away on May 27, 2020. Larry was a writer, film producer, a founder of GMHC and ACT UP, a public health advocate and received Yale GALA's Lifetime Achievement Award. We hope to have some type of virtual tribute
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George Chauncey is the recipient of the 2022 Kluge Prize in Humanities The Library of Congress Kluge Prize recognizes and celebrates work of the highest quality and greatest impact that advances understanding of the human experience.
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Camila María Concepción Prize for Trans Activism Yale GALA has established an annual fund and prize honoring the life of alumna Camila María Concepción '14. This prize will highlight a Yale University student recipient nominated for their contributions to trans activism.
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Yale GALA Senior Essay Prize in LGBTQ Studies In association with GALA, LGBT Studies awards an annual GALA Senior Essay Prize. Any senior essay or senior project, submitted to any department or program in Yale College is eligible if it addresses a topic relevant to LGBTQ studies.
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We are saddened by the loss of Yale GALA Member Jim Clark '78 Jim Clark Funeral Thursday, June 2 at 10 am ET, via Zoom and in-person (NJ). Login details below.
Jim was a kind and gentle soul who was very involved with Yale GALA, including leading our monthly book club and attending events for over 30 years
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Leigh Bardugo Discusses "SHADOW and BONE" (Netflix) - YaleWomen & Yale in Hollywood Watch YouTube video (free) anytime: https://youtu.be/x45NA2--060
Leigh Bardugo (Yale '97) discussing "SHADOW and BONE" (Netflix) with Aman Chaudhary (Yale TC '95) and Kathleen Wallace (Yale BR '95).
By YaleWomen & Yale in Hollywood.
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LGBTQ+ Networking with YAA's Cross Campus YAA's Cross Campus platform allows Yale alumni to network with LGBTQ+ Alums and students. https://crosscampus.yale.edu
Be sure to include the tags LGBTQ+, GALA, Trans.
We will be able to mention LGBTQ+ students in the next round of mentoring
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Queer In Translation: Sexual Politics Under Neoliberal Islam By Evren Savci, Assistant Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Yale
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On-line memorial for Johannes van de Pol - Yale MA '71 (11/26/43 - 3/22/2020) You can view the on-line memorial for Johannes van de Pol here: https://filmit.webinargeek.com/webinar/replay/DveswhqBF7Q/ .
Almost 2 hours of photos and remembrances of a life well-lived, in NYC and Holland.
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Yale: Six new Solomon Fellowships were Awarded in 2019 6 new Solomon Fellowships were awarded in 2019.
Full list here: https://lgbts.yale.edu/fellowships-prizes/solomon
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Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart Wins 2014 Emmy for Outstanding Television Film
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Yale GALA Supports Transformational Change in Policing Yale GALA, Inc. is proud to be one of the 350 prominent LGBTQ and civil rights organizations who signed a letter calling for long-term, transformational change in policing and released by HRC (Human Rights Campaign) June 17
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Yale GALA Supports Black Lives Matter
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Yale GALA Senior Essay Prize Winners 2019: TWO prize winners this year! The Yale GALA Senior Essay Prizes were won by Elizabeth Karron (Berkeley '19) and Sam Leander (Grace Hopper '19). Full list of winners here https://lgbts.yale.edu/gala
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Yale GALA Congratulates the Graduating Class of 2014!
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NYC: LGBT All-Ivy Latinx (Latino/Latina) Alumni Mixer at Evolution (Jackson Heights) Where: Evolution, 76-19 Roosevelt Ave, Jackson Heights, Queens, NY
Cost: No cover
Join us for a special event with our Latinx (Latino/Latina) LGBT alumni in mind. All are welcome. Mostly men expected to attend.
Organized by Princeton BTGALA.
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Yale GALA Sponsors Pride Club at Hamilton Grange School Help GALA support LGBTQ students through their school's new Pride Club. They need:
Donations: https://donateyalegala.eventbrite.com
Guest speakers and ongoing mentors (by those near NYC) - use Google Form to share: https://goo.gl/forms/8Rh97U5qFlotEJdy
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Yale GALA Remembers Robert Leuze '58 Memorial Service for Robert Lueze, a Yale GALA founding member, Saturday, March 2, 2019 2:30 - 3:30 PM at Friends Meeting House, 12 Rutherford Place (@15th Street), Manhattan. All are welcome to attend.
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Save-The-Date: Global Yale Day of Service Will be May 12, 2018 Save-The-Date May 12, 2018 to make a difference in your local community with Yale.
Let us know if you want to organize something in your geography. We'd love to help!
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2017-12 Happy Holidays: Camila Conception TC '14 reflects on time at Yale as an LGBTQ Latino student Happy Holidays from Yale GALA, Inc.
We just sent this newsletter via email.
If you didn't receive it, please sign up at www.yalegala.org to receive our emails.
Thank you.
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NYC: RIP Frank Boros (Yale MFA '69)-Sunday, Oct 8 2-4 PM Memorial Frank Boros (Yale MFA '69, NY Artists and Yale GALA member) passed away on August 31. A memorial on Sunday, Oct 8 2-4 PM in NYC (Upper West Side) is planned. Please RSVP to Ed Mickens (edmickens@yahoo.com) for details.
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Everywhere: Yale Community Trans Alum Teleconference (Monthly) is forming A Yale Community Trans monthly Teleconference is forming. Email Dana (danapizzuti1@gmail.com) or Camila (CamilaMariaConcepcion@gmail.com) and send preference for time and day of the week, if interested in participating
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New Haven, CT: Yale LGBTQ Center Finds New Home On Campus Yale's LGBTQ Center has a new on-campus home at Founders Hall, with expanded space, including a lounge, kitchen, common room, 2 new, all-gender bathrooms and is fully accessible to those with disabilities. New programming and events are expected.
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WANTED: members of the Yale College Class of 1968 Three members of the Class of 1968 are seeking to develop material from class members who identify as LGBTQ, for inclusion in the 50th Reunion Class Book
Please help identify LGBTQ Class members who want to discuss and/or contribute materials-Thanks!
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Feb 3 2017 is Yale LGBT Studies Prizes (aka "Flags Awards") Spring Deadline The application deadline for the FLAGS Awards (Spring 2017) is Feb 3, 2017
More info here: http://lgbts.yale.edu/flags
On-line application here: http://lgbts.yale.edu/fellowships-prizes/flags-awards/flags-application
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NYC: Black LGBT All-Ivy & Friends Alumni Mixer at Zinc No cover, cash bar. Everyone is welcome.
RSVP appreciated: http://goo.gl/xFktt
Last October we had 50% women & over 100 people
Zinc Bar is one of NYC's special secrets: a pleasant space that's conducive to conversation with an excellent bar
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NYC: Black LGBT All-Ivy & Friends Alumni Mixer at Zinc
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New - Provincetown, MA event Friday July 5th--All LGBTQ Alumni--Please SHARE! Friday, July 5th, 3-5 pm. All-Alumni Schools LGBTQ Cocktails Mixer in Provincetown, MA. At Sage Lounge, 336 Commercial St, P-Town, MA. No cover, cash bar. Tapas served beginning 5 pm. We are gathering in the newly renovated Sage Inn. Everyone welcome!
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NYC: LGBT All-Ivy Latin@ (Latino/Latina) Alumni Mixer at Vlada Lounge When: Friday, May 17, 6:30-8:30 pm
Where: Vlada Lounge, 2nd flr 331 W 51st St, NY
Cost: No cover, cash bar
RSVP appreciated: http://goo.gl/xFktt.
Please join us for a special event with our Latin@ (Latino/Latina) LGBT alumni in mind. All are welcom
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NYC: Black LGBT All-Ivy & Friends Alumni Mixer at Zinc
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